Saturday, October 17, 2009

Week 7 - Digital Storytelling

This week we continued learning about visual literacy, but have moved on from still images to video. We watched a tutorial on iMovie which I think is such a cool program because it allows you to create videos in a short and easy way. We learned how videos can be created as a way to tell a story and viewed some examples that will help us create our own digital story. I think this is a cool way to use technology and teachers can incorporate these videos into their classrooms as a fun way to teach their students.

Digital storytelling relates to advertising because it can be used as a promotional medium. For example, companies can create short movies about how their companies got started and put it on their websites. Companies can also create digital movies about events and activities they host and post them onto social networking sites to create awareness with certain audiences.

I found this video on YouTube to further explain digital storytelling.

The video does a great job of explaining each of the following about digital storytelling:
-top 10 reasons for implemeting digitial storytelling into teaching
-the main definition used to describe it
-how digital storytelling can be applied to almost any subject
-the different types of digital storytelling
-and the different elements of a digital story
Overall the video was very informative and helped me gain a greater insight into the art of digital storytelling.

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